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Q & A from the I-Brain Conference/Part 1:Video Games

There were several excellent lectures and workshops at the Learning and the Brain Conference- The I-Brain.  The presenters were from Stanford, Cal-Berkeley, Harvard and other cutting edge institutions studying the state of the human brain as it interfaces with the…

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Divers and Surfers: The World of the I-Brain

Diver brains and surfer brains are different.  The diver brain thinks deeply and can hold a line of thought for an extended period of time, generally without distraction. Imagine going deep beneath the surface, studying and thinking about the surroundings,…

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Cognitive Blind Spots and New Year’s Resolutions

Cognitive blind spots. Everyone has them.  Cognitive blind spots are often manifested as repeated patterns of ineffective behavior or resolutions to change that seem to fall short of the goal.   The nature of blind spots is that one is…

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MBTI Step III in a Nutshell

Many people have encountered the MBTI either at work, at a career center, or in counseling.  Several online tests incorporate MBTI principles.  The MBTI I describes the broad strokes of an individual personality with the goal of identifying people with…

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The Prefrontal Cortex: Your Brain’s Search Engine

The Executive Brain written by Elkhonon Goldberg, is a book that examines the role of the frontal/prefrontal cortex (frontal lobes, frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex will all be used interchangeably in this article) in the overall functioning of the human…

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Update on Mindfulness: Overview and Practical Applications

In June 2009, I completed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program offered by the University of Minnesota.  This program is a certified version of the one pioneered by Jon-Kabit Zinn at the University of Massachusetts.  The 8-week program consisted of reading…

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MBTI and Personal Branding

Once upon a time, only large companies with deep pockets could afford to effectively market their goods or services.  The internet has changed that and now there are ample opportunities for small companies or even individuals to show up on…

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