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MBTI Step III Training Afterthoughts…

The MBTI Step III training and my series of blogs (used to share the experience with others but also solidify my own learning) deepened my understanding thinking brainof psychological type. Then, just like when I see a good movie, I continue to mull it over in my head and new thoughts emerge. I wanted to share these thoughts in closing.

1. The Step III instrument generates both positive statements and statements that might suggest a need to improve in a certain area. I see this as beneficial because while knowing your strengths and continuing to do more of that is the best way to use mental energy, it is also helpful to know which areas need increased self-regulation, development, or assistance from others to optimize an outcome.

2. Developmental scales which are one factor in triggering rules that produce statement about current behavior or level of functioning can reflect type development.  For instance, statements pertaining to use of logic can reflect type maturity when logic is used it to solve problems effectively rather than as a weapon to catch others in inconsistencies or point out their flaws.

3. When I poured over the manual after the course was completed, I noted that there was even more validity data than I had initially thought. For example,  the sufficiency scales namely: Confidence (not actual adequacy but how one feels about his/her adequacy) , Stamina (how well one tends to “hang in there”), and Compensatory Strain (How one uses projection to ease internal strain) are used to generate interpretative report statements. These factors have positive correlations with the six  major character strengths identified by Peterson and Seligman in 2004.  Positive psychology is the new wave in psychology as reflected in current tools such as Strengths Finders. It is important to note that the MBTI Step III instrument positively interfaces with the what is current in the field today.

Ok!  I think that covers it!  If you have any questions about this blog or the other 3 MBTI Step III blogs on, leave me a comment and contact information and I will be happy to respond.  PLEASE NOTE:  Although I am a capable and certified practitioner in the use of the MBTI Step III instrument, I am merely a learner and not an expert on how it was constructed. Those questions should be directed to

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Michael- I am not certain if you read the other 3 blogs I wrote while I was going through this training. That might contain more information that you might find useful. There are a couple of main differences between Step II and Step III:
    1. Step II IDENTIFIES a client’s PREFERENCES to generate the MBTI 4-letter code as well as discover out of preference characteristics known as facets. Step III is a stand alone instrument that generates specific statements describing a clients current use of perception and judgment. So a Step II report might say an individual is a “Critical, Questioning ENFP”. The Step III would take a DIFFERENT ANGLE by generating STATEMENTS about current type usage such as, “Your natural inclination to take things on faith and to trust others seems to be inhibited right now.”
    2. All of the questions from Step II are contained in Step III so an appraisal of a client’s preferences is fully considered when exploring the EFFECTIVENESS of the current state of a clients perception and judgment functions. The key here is that the Step III interpretive report does not use TYPE JARGON to reveal the findings. It does NOT say, for example, “You are an ENFP so that means your dominant function is extraverted intuition.” Or, “you have an auxiliary preference for feeling” but you show some out of preference facets such as a preference for Critical thinking.” When the Step III report generates statements such “Your natural inclination to take things on faith and to trust others seems to be inhibited right now,” the goal is to generate a discussion as to why the client thinks that may or may not be so at this time.
    3. With Step III, the theory of type, the concept of preferences, type development and the like do not need to be explained. You, as the practitioner, understand these dynamics but the feedback is given in EVERYDAY language. However, I do want to add that there is a strong possibility that the Step II report could be generated from the Step III instrument for those clients who want to delve more deeply into underpinnings of type.
    I hope that helps. If you have any other questions or comments, please leave another comment here so that others may learn from your input.

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