I regularly attend and/or present at seminars and workshops, both in the United States and abroad, to stay current with the latest developments in the field of brain science and psychological type. This helps me serve you better. Go to the calendar to see upcoming events.
March 26-28, 2017 Polarity Foundations and Advanced Applications
April 6-8, 2017 British Type Conference. (I also presented at this conference)
- January 2016, B2B: Using Neuroscience to Facilitate Change, Institute for Brain Potential all day
- February 2016 Sleep and the Brain, Institute for Brain Potential all day
- February 18-19: Pearman Personality Integrator Qualifier, High Performance Systems
- June 18-20. Midwest ICF Conference. Kansas City, MO. Served on the Conference Committee.
- March 19-21. British Association for Psychological Type Conference. Warwickshire, UK. Presented on the MBTI Step III.
- December 5. Understanding Executive Functions: Focus, Emotional Control, Motivation and Social Intelligence. Sunnyvale, CA
- November 6-7. Using Psychological Type for A New Age: A Two Day Workshop. Greensboro, NC
- March 4. Calming the Overactive Brain- Institute of Brain Potential. Minneapolis, MN
- February 12-14. Learning and the Brain- Emotional Regulation and Resilience. San Francisco, CA
- July. Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 certification. Miami, FL
- July. Association for Psychological Type International Conference. Miami, FL. Presented on MBTI Step III.
- June. Midwest Coaching Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Was on program committee.
- February. Listening to the Body: Understanding Stress. William Sieber, Ph.D. (home study course, 6 hrs.)
- January. The Ever Changing Brain. With John Preston Psy.D. (home study course- 6 hrs.)
- October. Understanding the Frontal Lobes-Presented by the Institute for Brain Potential. With Mark Moss, PhD.
- October. Why Willpower Isn’t Enough: Presented by the Institute for Brain Potential. With George Koob, PhD.
- September 20. Memory- Presented by The Institute for Brain Potential. With Craig Stark, PhD. Minneapolis, MN
- June 22-24. ICF Midwest Regional Coaches Conference. Chicago, IL
- January 17-20. The Neuroscience of Personality Certification Workshop. With Dr. Dario Nardi. Dallas, TX
- November 2. How the Brain Forms New Habits. Minneapolis, MN
- October 5. Entrepreneur’s Forum, Cleary College. Howell, MI. Presented The Brain Science of Success.
- August 10-14. Association for Psychological Type International (APTi). San Francisco, CA. Panelist on MBTI Step III Presentation.
- May 5-7. Learning and Brain: The Science of Success. Chicago, IL
- February 17-19. 28th International Learning and Brain Conference (The i-Generation: How the Digital Age is Altering Brains). San Francisco, CA
- November 12-14. CASIE: Education for Today and Tomorrow. Washington, D.C.
- July 23. Awarded MBTI Master Credentials from Center for Application of Psychological Type.
- June 28-29. MMTIC (Psychological Type for Children). Minneapolis, MN
- May 12-14. The Brain Changes Itself. Minneapolis, MN
- May 21. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II and Coaching. Minneapolis, MN
- October 28. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step I Type and Coaching. Minneapolis, MN
- October 20-22. Myers-Briggs Step III Certification. Portland, ME
- October 7. Better Brains/Better Bodies. Minneapolis, MN
- October 1. Brain Attack, Strategies for Excellence in Care. Minneapolis, MN
- April-June. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. University of MN, Twin Cities