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Working with Ann was the jumpstart that I needed to make major transformations in my life.

In our time together, she guided me towards a way of making wiser, more impactful decisions. This change has improved all areas of my life. Working with Ann led to improvements in my relationships with my spouse, my parents and even myself. And after years of struggling to find a better path, I’m in a more fulfilling career and living my purpose in life.It t was a wonderfully rewarding experience!

“I used PQ reps to focus myself before speaking at an IT Security Strategy conference”

“Positive Intelligence has been great to increase mental strength. When I use PQ reps I become more focused, and less stressed. These exercises have made not only my work relationships better, but also my personal relationships. I have learned so much about myself during this process. I am so grateful!”

“We would like to thank you for the magnificent job you [and Jane Kise] did at our Truly Nolen International Convention in the Dominican Republic. The presentations and workshops were outstanding. All the participants found the material very interesting, helpful and appropriate for all the different cultures [representing 28 countries] in the meeting.”

“We received rave reviews about your training. Some were surprised that the training was so much fun! Your expertise clearly made this training a valuable learning experience.”

“Ann is every inch a masterful coach, but more importantly, she continually seeks more knowledge to improve her ability to help clients. Our partnership benefits from her commitment to deepening her brain science background, the connections she makes among diverse content areas and applications, and her enthusiasm and drive for creating the most cutting-edge services she can deliver.”

“Ann Holm is one of those rare personable talents that can take complex psychological concepts and relate them with open simplicity and clarity. She is an expert in her field, and presents her craft in an engaging and down right charming way. In short, she is on point, and the audiences that are fortunate to listen to her, ‘get it.’ As such, it is without hesitation that I would recommend Ann for any speaking or facilitating engagement.”

“Ann is a wonderful MBTI interpreter and coach. Our organization, HIRED, works with clients seeking re-employment, often after being laid-off and uncertain about their employment prospects in the current market. Ann uses the MBTI – III to identify a client’s job search or career “blind spots” as well as re-energize and refine their search. It’s quite common for these long-term unemployed clients to land jobs within 3-6 weeks after their coaching session. Ann’s a priceless partner in our mission to serve our clients.”

“As a young professional, I have demonstrated that I possess the skills necessary to be successful. I will admit that I was not sure what the MBTI-III would be able to do for me. After the feedback session with Ms. Holm, I am now a firm believer in the value of this tool. I was not surprised to find my Meyers-Briggs type to be ENTP. I am fairly predictable in this sense. What Ms. Holm was able to do for me with the Step III tool was isolate my blind spots and help formulate strategies to make me more productive.”

“I would like people to know about the talents of Ann Holm. I have witnessed her skills at taking MBTI data and not only help make sense of it, but present it in a manner that motivates insight and growth. I am particularly impressed that her style of providing feedback continuously keeps her client involved and does not relegate him/her to a passive role of receiving information. If you have interest in going to your next level of insight into the use of your personality as an instrument for making a difference at work and in relationships, you would benefit from Ann Holm’s coaching.”

“Thank you so much for the time you spent with me on Tuesday. I’ve taken a number of personal assessments, but this is the first time that I have walked away thinking it was fully me and not just me in general terms.”

“Positive Intelligence has been great to increase mental strength. When I use PQ reps I become more focused, and less stressed. These exercises have made not only my work relationships better, but also my personal relationships. I have learned so much about myself during this process. I am so grateful!”

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