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Isn’t It a Diagnosis?

Have you ever taken an assessment tool, such as an emotional intelligence "test"  and were completely shocked, depressed, or mildly annoyed at the results? Or have you taken an assessment tool and had the opposite reaction? "Hey,  I'm pretty well- adjusted,…

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Divers and Surfers: The World of the I-Brain

Diver brains and surfer brains are different.  The diver brain thinks deeply and can hold a line of thought for an extended period of time, generally without distraction. Imagine going deep beneath the surface, studying and thinking about the surroundings,…

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Cognitive Blind Spots and New Year’s Resolutions

Cognitive blind spots. Everyone has them.  Cognitive blind spots are often manifested as repeated patterns of ineffective behavior or resolutions to change that seem to fall short of the goal.   The nature of blind spots is that one is…

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